If you have a requirement for any of our products send an email to [email protected] , or call direct on (0044) +1947 895 880 and we will provide a quotation. Please note that our telephone contact hours are Monday to Wednesday 08.30 to 16.30.
If your query relates to payment or invoicing please contact; [email protected]
Enquiries are welcome from all countries. Please note we are limited to communicating in English.
If you have an existing oiler removed from its service position, please look for a small metal tab on the frame. If present this will have a part number on it, please provide the part number with your enquiry. In the example shown the part number is NYMR22/637B. The majority of part numbers either start with the letter K or end with the letter B, but there are a small number of exceptions. If you are unsure or don’t have an existing oiler please use this document to define your requirement.

All enquiries should include:
Contact name
Business name and address
Contact phone number
Loco/Stock class/reference
Number off required and model number(s) if known.
Works address:
Armstrong Oilers
North Yorkshire Moors Railway
Motive Power Department
North Yorkshire
YO22 5BJ
All content and images © NYMR PLC.